Pricing and Packages
ClassCover for Schools
ClassCover for Teachers
ClassCover Jobs
ClassCover for Schools
ClassCover Jobs
Free for schools
Post job ads for free on ClassCover Jobs
Unlimited job postings
Collect applicants through ClassCover or via an external website
ClassCover Complete
$2 – $3.50
per pupil
per year
Yearly pricing based off number of students
Estimated for your schools
No of students
- Book casual relief teachers and other casual staff in a few clicks
- Access a large network of local teachers and connect for work
- Post full time, part time and contract jobs on the ClassCover Jobs feed
- Access centralised payroll reports
- View insights and analytics to see booking and absence trends
- Add unlimited additional team members
- Full service support
ClassCover for Teachers
Create a free ClassCover profile and connect with new schools for work
- Get found and booked by schools for casual jobs
- Apply for full-time, part-time, and contract education roles
- Create your online CV
- Accept or decline jobs on-the-go with the app
- Flexible profiles: toggle bookings and maintain your account for job applications
$99 per year
Start saving money on your teacher PD
- Tax deductible
- Massive library of online teacher PD
- New courses released on a regular basis
- Courses are aligned to the Australian Curriculum
- Recognised in all states of Australia
- NESA and TQI accredited courses available
ClassCover Jobs
Bill Monthly
Bill Annually
Single Post
- 1 job ad credit
- Pay as you go. $50 per job post
- Unlimited job locations
- Access to headhunter. Search through local talent and invite to jobs.
$50/job post
Monthly Starter
- 4 ad credits per month
- Buy ad credits for $50 per job
- Unlimited job locations
- Access to headhunter. Search through local talent and invite to jobs.
When billed monthly
Monthly Premium
- Post unlimited jobs
- Unlimited job locations
- Access to headhunter. Search through local talent and invite to jobs.
When billed monthly
Single Post
- 1 job ad credit
- Pay as you go. $50 per job post
- Unlimited job locations
- Access to headhunter. Search through local talent and invite to jobs.
$50/job post
Annual Starter
- 4 ad credits per month
- Buy ad credits for $50 per job
- Unlimited job locations
- Access to headhunter. Search through local talent and invite to jobs.
$80 /month
When billed annually
Annual Premium
- Post unlimited jobs
- Unlimited job locations
- Access to headhunter. Search through local talent and invite to jobs.
$200 /month
When billed annually
Are you a NSW public school?
ClassCover has a partnership with the NSW Department of Education which gives your school subsidised access.
It’s quick and easy to sign up and is free for all NSW public schools.
Join over 2200 NSW public schools on ClassCover now.
We first started using ClassCover in 2016 to reduce the workload involved in finding and booking suitable relief teachers. 6 years later we’ve experienced many benefits, including time-savings for teachers and leadership when booking relief teachers, as well as the ability to plan for long service leave and other known absences. ClassCover empowers our teachers to book their own replacement while also leaving a digital record of all bookings that we can crosscheck to help with budgeting and filing leave paperwork.
Edwardstown Primary School - SA
Vicky Bashford, Principal
Makes the morning ring-around, a thing of the past. This platform allows you to set and forget with its multiple ways to book relief staff. The customisable features, allow for personalised approaches to booking relief staff.
King’s Christian College, QLD
Nathan - School Admin Manager
ClassCover has been invaluable for us teachers and ultimately our students' learning. Over the past two years there have been an unusually high number of teacher absences (often last minute) that we have successfully been able to fill as a result of your service. I cannot imagine individual teachers or school representatives having to organise such a number of replacements any other way. Thanks heaps!
Forestville Public School, NSW
James Ellis - Classroom Teacher
I love ClassCover. It takes all the stress out of staff absence. I just log on, from computer or phone, and have a message out to my key replacement staff within minutes. Very quick. Very easy.
Lisieux Catholic Primary School, VIC
Susan Ryan - Principal
I find ClassCover to be very helpful. The site is easy to use and it only takes a moment to keep my availability updated for schools to see. It is such a great idea and a good way to let schools know when I can teach. Since using ClassCover I have had more work and less phone calls on days I am not able to work – brilliant!
Michelle Wyatt
Relief Teacher