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Brisbane Catholic Education and Diocese of Cairns

choose ClassCover

Since early 2017, ClassCover has been the official solution for 171 Brisbane Catholic Education schools and Catholic Education, Diocese of Cairns schools.

Find out why Brisbane Catholic Education and the Diocese of Cairns have chosen ClassCover to meet their relief teacher staffing needs below. 

Relief teachers
Avg bookings a term

What are they saying...

“ClassCover has revolutionised the recruitment of relief teachers for the principals and schools in the Archdiocese of Brisbane. It is a tailored enterprise solution that can be customised to meet the diverse needs of schools. It is easy to use and integrates with payroll processes.

Schools can alert Relief Teachers of work through an intuitive online environment and all a Relief Teacher needs to do to accept work is have a ClassCover profile and a mobile phone.

ClassCover reduces the administrative burden for schools and is a quick and easy way for schools to recruit Relief Teachers. Schools can select which teachers to add to their school’s pool of Relief Teachers and how to manage available relief work. It provides better access to relief work for Relief Teachers and allows more control over when they work.”

Peter Hill – Director Employee Services, Brisbane Catholic Education

Case Study

St Peter’s Catholic Primary | ClassCover School Stories

With over 650 students and 70+ staff, St Peter’s Catholic Primary relies on ClassCover to meet their unique relief teacher requirements. Here’s how it works.

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