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Behaviour Management Courses

How to get that class under control...

Behaviour management as a relief teacher is one of the most sought after topics in ClassCover Learn’s PD library. And there’s no guessing why that is…

Through our selection of behaviour management, classroom management and classroom engagement courses, you will gain deep insights, real practical and applicable advice that is targeted to the relief teacher experience of having a class for a day.




Behaviour Management Courses Available

Positive Behaviour Management Strategies

In this course Hilary Nunns explores the many aspects of behaviour and walks you through strategies and tips on how to prepare your class to be one where good behaviour flourishes and flash points are addressed preemptively and quickly.

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Behaviour Management with a High School Focus

Managing student behaviour in secondary schools is a challenge for all relief teachers at times. In this course, Emma Watson will give you a repertoire of behaviour management strategies to call upon tailor made to the secondary school relief teaching classroom.

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How To Build Rapport Quickly In The Classroom

Rapport is one of the most powerful skills a teacher can have in their toolbox. Presented by Vikki Grant this course will provide you with 12 strategies that you can immediately implement to build rapport with your students.

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Behaviour Management for Relief Teachers

After completing this course presented by Bob Brandis you will have better options, more effective strategies and more competent skills to handle disruptive students in your classrooms.

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Maximising Student Engagement as a Relief Teacher

Whether it be fast starter activities to capture the student’s imagination and attention or ways to ‘bring a class back’ this course is full of engagement tips and strategies suited to all ages and all situations.

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Antidote to Boring Lessons with Vikki Grant

Vikki Grant – Teacher of the Year will help you bring an enhanced energy and engagement into your classroom. You will be able to connect with your classroom and maintain engagement.

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